The meridional parts refers to the tables of trigonometric functions that are useful in a number of areas.
Meridional - album - was created on 2010-07-12.
Companhia Meridional de Transportes was created in 1944.
Companhia Meridional de Transportes ended in 1946.
to get MP using calculator.. lat/2+45=tan=log=*7915.7-sin lat*23.01 just follow it...
If we consider the longitudinal cross section of the single stage of CFC disc, then the plane containing the impeller blade section with hub & shroud is known as the Meridional Plane.
A meridional ray is a ray that passes through the axis of an optical fiber.A skew ray is a ray that travels in a non-planar zig-zag path and never crosses the axis of an optical fiber.
Carpathians Mountains (Occidental, Oriental and Meridional groups)
The middle part of the day; noon., Of or pertaining to noon; meridional; as, the midday sun.
The true zenith distance is the angular distance between a celestial object and the observer's zenith, measured along the observer's vertical circle. The meridional zenith distance is the true zenith distance measured along the observer's meridian.
Circumference: 40,075.02 KM (equatorial) 40,007.86 KM (meridional) 40,041.47 KM (mean).This answer was obtained from a Google search to be accurate.
Carpathian Mountains: Western Carpathians, Oriental Carpathians, Meridional Carpathians; also Măcinului Mountains in Dobrogea.
David H. Hathaway has written: 'Doppler measurements of the Sun's meridional flow' -- subject(s): Solar activity, Measurements, Active regions