How are ordinary damages are different from special damages
The term "civil liability" means that another person or a business can sue you and end up being awarded damages by the courts. Civil liability is distinguished from Criminal liability.
1e6 is an abbreviation for 1.0*106 In general peq = p*10q
General liability means that your friend has been found responsible for something. Liability is usually an insurance term, it means they pay for damages to other peoples property or self.
what is meant by the term catheterisation
Direct damages refer to the damages followed directly upon the act done. This is also called as general damages. On the other hand, this does not comprise indirect damages like expenses earned.
What is meant by the term resistivity?
punitive damages are costs awarded to a party to punish the offending party, usually meant to discourage certain behaviour. Consequential damages are damages that attempt to rectify a cost of an innocent party when a breach has occurred in contract.
Such damages as naturally and generally would result from a breach of contract.
Explain what is meant by the term 'dementia.'
The term "abstract art" covers a wide variety of art. The general sense of the term is that it is the opposite of the concrete, or "realism". It is "not realistic" Answer 2: It does not have an identifiable subject.
what is meant by the term identity politics