The Auxiliary Carry flag of the Intel 8085 is used to store the carry/borrow from the least significant 4 bits of an 8 bit arithmetic operation. This bit (and the Carry flag from the most significant 4 bits) is needed by the Decimal Adjust Accumulator instruction to convert the result of the 8 bit arithmetic operation to correct 2 digit Binary Coded Decimal format.
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We have only one flag register of 8 bits. Bits description is as follows (Assuming D0=LSB & D7=MSB) D7=Sign Bit. D6= Zero Flag D4= Auxiliary Carry Flag D2 = Parity Flag D0= Carry Flag.
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The 8085 microprocessor has 5 flags: 1. Zero flag: The zero flag is set, when the ALU operation results a zero . 2. Carry flag: If an arithmetic operations results in a carry, this flag is set. 3. Parity flag: This flag is set, when an arithmetic or logical operation results in a data, which has even number of 1s. If otherwise, it is reset. 4. Sign flag: After the execution of an arithmetic or logic operations, if D7 bit of the accumulator is 1, it indicates a negative number and this flag is set. If otherwise, it is reset. 5. Auxiliary Carry flag: used for BCD Operations, During the BCD operations, if D3 bit producing the carry then the AC bit set as1, otherwise the bit is 0. 6. Carry Flag: when a carry is generated by digit D7, then the carry flag set as 1, otherwise the bit will be 0.
binary coded decimal counter with carry propagated bit to bit by ripple method instead of carry lookahead combinatorial logic method. this is easy to build but has long settling time with invalid codes occurring before it settles. for example these counters will generate a 1010 code between 1001 and 0000.
A "half adder" circuit computes the resulting bit and carry bit from adding two bits together, assuming there is no carry (using an "exclusive-or" and an "and" operation, respectively). This is sufficient for the lowest-order bit, only; the remaining bit positions require a "full-adder" circuit to compute the result and carry from three inputs at each successive bit position (i.e. the two operands and the carry-in from the previous bit position).
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Carry select adder is used to select the carry during addition of two numbers. If those numbers are of 64 bits, then we call it as a 64 bit carry select adder.