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Q: What is mean by stop-gap coverage?
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How do you use stopgap in a sentences?

Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.Working in the family shop was just a stopgap until he could find a better job.He studied science for a few weeks as a stopgap until the next compuer course was starting.

What is a stopgap job?

a short term fix with no guarantees

What is a stopgap spending bill?

A stopgap spending bill is something that can be passed by Congress. It refers to a measure that will fund the government temporarily until official spending bills are passed.

What is stopgap spending bill?

A stopgap spending bill is something that can be passed by Congress. It refers to a measure that will fund the government temporarily until official spending bills are passed.

What information can be found on the Stopgap website?

The Stopgap website will tell you what kind of job vacancies they recruit for. The recruit people for marketing roles and have a special interest in digital marketing roles.

What do you mean by collision coverage?

Collision is a coverage that usually applies when you "collide" with another vehicle.

Does gasket sealers work?

At best, they're a temporary stopgap measure until you can get the gasket replaced.

What do you mean by insurance coverage?

You have insurance coverage if you paid the premium required for that policy. The coverage will pay appropriate types of claims during the period of time of that policy.

What does no coverage mean for clubs?

It means you don't have to pay a fee to get in.

How do you fix a crack in radiator?

If it is a small leak, stopgap products like StopLeak can be used, but the radiator will eventually need to be replaced

What does EC and VMM mean?

Extended Coverage and Vandalism & Malicious Mischief

Your divorce decree provides your exwife with insurance but not with COBRA coverage in the event that your insurance does not provide regular coverage What does this mean?

Poor grammar. It means nothing.