RCSlot.com reports that the world record for a nitro RC boat is right around 124 mph. Check the following link http://www.rcslot.com/blog/rc-nitro-boat-top-speed-record-1243-mph.html
RC Nitro CarsNitroRCX.com has the one speed nitro rc buggy for $119. See the related links below for two other sites you can buy inexpensive RC Nitro cars.
There are many rules and guidelines for the nitro rc boat. Some of these are "wear alife vest around water", handle and store nitro fuel safely, and abide by impba safety regyulations.
Yes in terms of speed and reliability.
156 mph ????
According to a remote control blog,the fastest rc speed boat is a C-1 boat, powered by gas, which can reach up to 200 mph. http://www.xenonproject.com/blog/worlds-fastest-rc-boat/
nitro as it will get a better boost
There are several websites that one could get help building a nitro RC truck. These websites include RC Car Action, YouTube, RC Vehicles, and Nitro RC Car.
35 to 45 atleast
RC speed boats range in price from $20 to $100. http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=Cinderella&rh=n%3A165793011%2Ck%3ACinderella&page=1#/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_13?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=rc+speed+boat&rh=n%3A165793011%2Ck%3Arc+speed+boat
I have been looking at rc boats and i saw one that go's up to 20 miles an hour but i didnt know if that was a fast electric boat.
The Cox .010 nitro engine
I'm guessing nitro boats are a lot faster and quicker accellrating.