if its not heater cole ...it could be water getting in from outside your car vents near the wipers clog up with leaves etc.
Leakage in weatherstripping
Heater core is leaking.
It's a Dodge thats why.
Check your sunroof drain hose. mine came loose and when it rained my floorboard was wet.
Heater core failure.
I would check your AC evaporator drain tube , if clogged water will drip on floor.
The heater is leaking coolant.
that the floor is wet
Heater core under dash and console leaking
Defective windshield seal? Defective door seal or door not adjusted properly?
wet suit, wet paint, wet floor.
Check for a sickly sweet smell. The heater core is probably leaking coolant into the floor. The core is not repairable but can be replaced.