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Q: What is is the commonly practiced and dangerous driving behavior?
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The most commonly practiced and dangerous driving behavior is?

Commonly known in North America as tail gating the most common dangerous driving behaviour is following to close.

Law enforcement agencies categorize observable aggressive driving behavior as?

Although it is more commonly referred to as "road rage" the applicable charge is Reckless driving!

What is safe driving?

Safe driving is not dangerous driving

Talking on your cell phone while driving is not dangerous.?

Talking on your cell phone while driving is not dangerous.

How Dangerous Can Alcohol Be?

alchohol can be very dangerous when driving

What is The most dangerous time of a rainfall for driving?

the first 5 minutes is the most dangerous time of a rainfall for driving.

Is drinking and driving dangerous?

Yes it is. It is dangerous and incredibly stupid.

Texting while driving is very dangerous and should be outlawed.?

Texting while driving is very dangerous and should be outlawed.

Can smoking be dangerous when driving?


How do cops know when people are drink driving?

Primarily by observing driving behavior.

Protecting yourself and others from dangerous and unexpected driving situations is called what driving?

Defensive Driving

What does driving erratically mean?

Driving erratically means not maintaining a steady speed , weaving in and out of traffic,or drifting from side to side in a lane. It is dangerous to other drivers because it is unpredictable behavior, and the police see it as a sign of a driver who may be drunk or under the influence of drugs.