Grade Logic Ccontrol' is a car system that controls descents, which means the car doesn't 'run on' when you're heading down a slope. The transmission changes down a gear and reins you in to a safer speed. Heading up a hill, the transmission selects the best gear and stays there without 'hunting' back and forth.
Program logic controllers are used to control the operation of most systems.
The logic control module on a 1995 Chrysler Concord 3.3 liter is on the passengers side. it is located underneath the dash.
Vulcan's don't use logic to control they're feelings. They discipline themselves mentally to suppress their emotions, and they live their life through (committed to) logic. Every decision they make must be enacted with a logical manor and purpose.
The aluop control signal determines which arithmetic or logic operation the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) will perform. It acts as a switch that selects the specific operation to be carried out on the input data.
The CPU is the main control of the computer. It controls all of the software, as it performs the calculations and logic functions. It does not control the hardware, however.
Arithmetic logic and control unit
Control Break Logic
Logic ICs can be used to control any form of electricity. If you knew what they did, you would know how to use them; obviously you don't.
A CPU contains a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit
The arithmetic and logic unit and the control unit.