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Q: What is full form for repo?
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What is the full form of repo rate?

Repurchase Agreement by B.S.Jassal

What is full form of repo?

Remote emergency power off It is also an abbreviation of repossession.

What is full form of reverse repo rate?

Repo Rate - also called Bank rate is the rate at which central banks lend loans to the member banks of a country. This rate actually impacts the rate at which these member banks grant loans to their customers Reverse Repo Rate - is the reverse of repo rate and is the interest the central bank would pay its member banks.

What do you need to do to become a repo man in Georgia?

Know the repo laws for the state of GEORGIA. My web site @ answers the question in full. Check out my archive files for full answer.

If a car is repossessed and the loan is paid in full and you get your car back do you still have a repo on your credit report?

IF the lender posts a repo on your CR, you have one. You will have the repo on your credit report, but it should also show up as "redeemed".

Car has been repo for two years?

and? what about it? form a question if you seek an answer.

Is it legal for a company to repo a boat for payment failure after a banrupcy reafrimation if the finance company refuses your payments and sends them back a month after they received the on time paym?

Lenders will demand payment in full after default after so many days. The amount of time varies depending upon the lender. After such time they will typically repo regardless if you send in the installment. See for more details about lender repo's. Lenders will demand payment in full after default after so many days. The amount of time varies depending upon the lender. After such time they will typically repo regardless if you send in the installment. See for more details about lender repo's

Can they come on your property and repo your boat for 359 Dollars?

They certainly can. Actually, it is not your boat until it is paid for--in full.

What is full form of red cross?

what is full form of RED what is full form of RED

What is the full form of hotel?

"Hotel" is the full form of the word. It is derived from the French hôtel, from Old French hostel.

What is full form Linux?

There is no "full form".