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Crf150r is faster with a top speed around 72mph, vs. 55-60mph for the kx100, depending on rider weight/etc.

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Q: What is faster a crf150r or kx100 2 stroke?
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Is a crf150r a 2 stroke or a 4 sroke?

4 stroke

Is a kx100 a 2 stroke?

Yes it is a 2 stroke dirt bike manufactured by Kawasaki.

Which would win in a race Honda xr100r or Kawasaki kx100?

Both nice bikes but the kx100 without a doubt. the kx is a 2 stroke motocross bike designed for racing. A xr100r is a four stroke trail bike with much less power.

Who is faster 2 stroke or four stroke?


What is faster between a 2 stroke and a 4 stroke 4 wheeler engine?

i say that a 4 stroke is faster than a 2 stroke

Can a crf150 beat a yz125?

The yz would always win because its a 2 stroke race bike. Even the yz85 would beat the crf150r or the crf150f.

What is faster a crf250r or a yz250?

A YZ250 is much faster than a CRF250r. The YZ250 is a 2 stroke where as the CRF250r is a four stroke.

Which is faster 15 hp mercury 2 stroke or 15 hp mercury 4 stroke?

The 2 stroke will be faster because of differences in Waite but more polluting be it oil mixed with fuel

What oil is faster 2 stroke or 4 stroke?

Oil is a lubricant. 2 stroke oil is designed to be mixed with gasoline and in that form it lubricates the engine. 4 stroke oil lubricates the engine but is not burned as 2 stroke oil is. This has nothing to do with speed. So, the answer to your question is neither is faster as they are just lubricants.

Is a 2 stroke dirt bike faster or a 4 stroke?

For the same engine size, it should be.

2 stroke faster?

Be a druid. Swim like a seal.

What is faster 2-stroke or 4-stroke?

tht all depends on the type of chassis and engine set up. a 2 stroke is going to have a great advantage off of the start but will require more rpms to keep it going at highr speeds because 2 strokes produce lower torque at hihger rpms. 4 strokes on the other hand lack that initial punch of power right off of the line, but they have a much wider torque range also called a power band. This wide range of torque gives a 4 stroke the advantage in that they require a lot less shifting when leading into an out of corners. 2 stroke is more faster than 4 stroke,because it have only 2 combustions.In general a 2 stroke engine will be quicker than a 4 stroke engine of the same displacement. The answer is a little more complicated than that if you look into the details.a 2 stroke because its lighter and has more torque-------------Generally, 2 stroke dirt bikes are much faster and lighter than 4 strokes, and have much more torque. But 4 strokes have more power and a higher top speed. For example, a 2-stroke 85cc dirt bike (like the YZ85) will be equal to a high performance 150cc dirt bike (like the CRF150R).