The EPC on a Jetta is the electronic powertrain control system. This is the traction system of the vehicle that detects if you are on ice or water covered roadways.
EPC stands for Electronic Power Control
brake swich
The epc light in your VW Jetta could be on for many reasons. Your VW Jetta may need a new brake light or it could need an O2 sensor. The best thing to do is take it to a mechanic so they can properly diagnose the problem.
An EPC warning light in a VW indicates a problem in the powertrain control system. This can be one of 17 faults, including lack of messaging between the powertrain and various systems. It can also indicate a performance control problems, or a malfunction of the EPC.
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The epc alarm on a VW Jetta is the electronic power control. When this light comes on it is to warn you of some sort of problem with the accelerator pedal control. This can come on because there is a serious problem or just because of a bad sensor, the best thing to do is to have a diagnostic test done to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong.
EPC means Electronic Power Control (aka; Drive by wire) it means there is no throttle cable, it's all electronic. It can be illuminated by any error that has to do with this system. Use an OBD II tool or VAG-COM cable to check the error codes. If you must, you can go to the dealership :(
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hi i have a 01 vw jetta i just got it back today from the dealership my car would turn over but not crank and it was the mass airflow the replaced it and restarted the computer on my car and it runs great !! it only cost me 450 to fix it
!999 Mercury Mountieer EPC Solenoid were is it located