Dollar General employer's federal id # 61-0852764.
The EIN number for the Dollar Tree located on Quincy Ave is not stated. It is best to contact Dollar Tree at that location at the phone number (617) 328-5214.
The Employee Identification Number for Dollar Tree Stores Inc.'s Executive Offices is 26-2018846. I was not able to determine if the stores are franchises, which would mean that each store has a different EIN.
What is the employers (WestAmerica Bank) federal identification (EIN) number
what is the ein number for bayada home health
A EIN number is used as you would your social security number for tax purposes.
What is the ein number of American express in plantation Florida
Ein # 04-6049087
No, a VAT number is not the same as an EIN number. A VAT number is used for value-added tax purposes in Europe, while an EIN number is used for tax identification in the United States.