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Q: What is dollar general ein number?
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What is Dollar General corporations EIN?

Dollar General employer's federal id # 61-0852764.

What is dollartree's EIN number for Quincy ave location?

The EIN number for the Dollar Tree located on Quincy Ave is not stated. It is best to contact Dollar Tree at that location at the phone number (617) 328-5214.

What is dollar tree stores inc. EIN?

The Employee Identification Number for Dollar Tree Stores Inc.'s Executive Offices is 26-2018846. I was not able to determine if the stores are franchises, which would mean that each store has a different EIN.

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A EIN number is used as you would your social security number for tax purposes.

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What does gen ptr mean when ein is issued?

Well, honey, "gen ptr" stands for "general pointer," and when "ein" is issued, it means an Employer Identification Number is being assigned by the IRS. So basically, it's just a fancy way of saying that a company is getting its official tax ID number. Hope that clears things up for ya!