Vehicle is both, but vehicle specifies machine is used for transport.
183.3506% difference.
Subduction zones are also known as convergent boundaries, there is no difference.
ewan ko
For purified salt, any difference - sodium chloride (NaCl).
What is the difference beween ALS and HSS IN GAS CHROMOTRAGHPY. When to used either of the apparatus
An Atlas is a book of maps and an encyclopedia is a book with multiple topics.
But some machines can move like the machines used for ploughing and harvesting in the farm.
A triangular prism is a pentahedron, a triangular pyramid is a tetrahedron.
Both. A bulldozer is a vehicle, which is a subset of machine.
I believe outer covering of nutmeg is called mace.
A vehicle is a machine.
A vehicle can be any type of machine that transports persons or goods. Basically, it is a motor on wheels or tracks such as a tractor, bus, car or truck.A car though is a specific type of vehicle used for transporting people and their pets.