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Q: What is definition of Primary insurance coverage?
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What is the definition of primary coverage in regard to automobile insurance?

Basic coverage.

What is meant by primary and secondary insurance coverage?

Primary insurance coverage is what is first used when a medical service is being rendered. This is what will be billed first. Secondary insurance is supposed to cover what the primary insurance does not.

If primary insurance denies coverage and you have secondary who is responsible to pay the bill?

== == If secondary insurance denies coverage, YOU get to pay the bill. == ==

What is the definition of insurance premium?

The price or cost of the coverage purchased.

When you have Medicare Part A Insurance and Supplemental coverage which is primary insurer?


If a patient has Medicaid coverage benefits and other health insurance coverage Medicaid would be primary or secondary?


Does secondary private insurance pay what primary private insurance will not pay?

Yes, if the secondary insurance plan covers it In the pharmacy (drugs) world of primary and secondary coverage, this is true.

Will a secondary insurance pay a portion or all of a prescription that a primary insurance will only pay part of because they will only pay for a lower dosage?

In most cases a secondary insurance would compensate coverage were the primary insurance does not. Exceptions apply to the prescription drug type and coverage limitations.

What types of coverage does Star Health Insurance offer?

"Star Health Insurance offers coverage in outpatient care, emergency room assistance, hospitalization, pharmaceutical care, and coverage with your primary care provider."

Do you have to be listed on your parents insurance coverage to be coverd by there insurance?

You have to be either named or you have to fit the definition of a named insured on the policy.

I am trying to find out about Medicare/Medicaid co-payment responsibility with dual coverage?

Your state may have varying laws about dual coverage, but generally speaking, if you have a primary insurance, they will pay first. Any co-pay or deductible that your primary coverage does not pay will be covered by government insurance.

How does the definition of liability apply to insurance claims?

The definition of liability in insurance claims means that the insured is protected in case they are sued. This coverage includes legal costs and payouts.