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If you are in the process of quoting auto insurance, chances are the term comprehensive coverage has come up quite often. Comprehensive auto insurance coverage is a coverage that will pay to repair or replace your vehicle in the event of a covered loss up to the fair market value of the vehicle. Covered losses that fall under comprehensive include: fire, theft, vandalism, hail, and wind damage. Falling objects and hitting a live animal also fall under comprehensive. If you are financing your vehicle, you will be required to carry both comprehensive and collision coverages to satisfy lender requirements. The state does not require comprehensive or collision coverage.

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Q: What is comprehensive auto insurance?
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Comprehensive insurance

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Typically, homeowners insurance expressly excludes auto-related losses. Therefore, the auto comprehensive coverage should apply.

Does full coverage insurance cover theft?

if your full coverage includes comprehensive coverage then yes, Auto theft is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy.

If a tree fell on your car at work who pays?

Your auto insurance will cover the damage to your vehicle if you have comprehensive coverage. The Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance covers damage resulting from an act of nature.

Does Comprehensive auto insurance pay off and replace the car in the event of auto theft?


Does homeowner insurance pay the claim on cars vandalized in their driveway?

No, An auto theft or vandalism would have to be covered by the vehicle owners comprehensive auto insurance policy. that's what Auto Insurance is for.

Will your auto insurance cover hitting a bird?

Yes, under comprehensive

While driving a tree fell on a car at a state park. Is the car covered?

You will have to file a claim on your own comprehensive auto Insurance. The comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy would provide coverage.

Does auto insurance cover hail?

Hail damage and other acts of nature is covered under the comprehensive portion of your policy. If you picked comprehensive coverage when you purchased your auto insurance then yes, it would be covered.

Is there a deductible on comprehensive coverage auto insurance?

Usually there is a deductible on comprehensive coverage auto insurance. The deductible can range in different amounts usually from 0 to $1000 or even higher if it is a very expense vehicle.

Is comprehensive car insurance recommended for a brand new car?

Comprehensive auto insurance covers all physical damage to car. If you car is brand new, then the scratch-free paint job is an asset. If you get comprehensive auto insurance, you can claim damages when your car will eventually get scratched in the course of use.

What kind of damages does comprehensive auto insurance cover?

Comprehensive auto insurance will cover a driver for car accidents and injury caused by them. It will also cover damage from weather incidents, vandalism and fire, as well as theft.