trying to find where this area code & prefix originate from 011-335
The country code and area code of Qinhuangdao- HEB, China is 86, (0)335.
The "DT" in DT466 stands for "Diesel Turbocharged." It is a type of diesel engine manufactured by International Harvester and later by Navistar International.
I have the DT466 in a 24' van. Use it lightly loaded, normally about 8000 pounds tops, and we get 9 MPG.
EGR feedback signal is / was out of range - EVR or PFE
335 is an integer but it can be expressed as 335/1.
On the engine.
The factors of 335 are: 1 5 67 335
4000-335 = 3665
20% of 335 = 20*335/100 = 67