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Q: What is ciprogen 500mg s4 used for cAn you take alcohol with it?
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What is ciprogen 500mg s4 used for?

Intra-abdominal infections, Prostatitis, Pneumonia, Skin infections, Lower respiratory tract infections, Skin structure infections, Urinary tract infection, Bone and joints infections, Acute sinusitis,.

Why would a woman take metronidazole 500mg tab?

Metronidazole is an anti-biotic, and is used for bacterial infections.

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What is ampicillin tr 500mg?

Used to treat acne.

Is metronidazole 500mg a antibiotics?

Yes,it is a commonly used antibiotic.

What is apen 500mg used for?

Apen is a penicillin-based antibiotic used to treat infection.

What is metronidazol 500mg?

Metronidizole is and antibiotic it comes in the form of a cream and you can get it in tablet forms in strengths of 200mg, 400mg and 500mg it is used to treat infection such as dental, genital and also can be used for some stomach and skin infections.

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Can ciprofloxacn 500mg be used with phentermine?

yes, they are two different classification of drugs.

Is ciprofloxacn tab 500mg used during medical abortions?

Ciprofloxacin is not normally used in medication abortion.

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i need know. whats the funcion of the spmox 500 mg

How long do reaction after alcohol antabuse mix what should you take?

Alcohol/antabuse reactions can be fatal. We will not provide information that could be used in potentially fatal activities.