they all have approximately the same energy content -about 114,000 BTU/gal. varies somewhat depending on the fuel blend for differnent times of the year and area of the country, winter fuels a little less & summer fuels a little more
There are many different grades of gasoline, each with a different octane rating. Early gasoline had very low octane in many cases, from the 1920s to the 1970s octane rating was improved by adding a highly poisonous chemical called tetraethyl lead and ranged from about 90 to 110 octane, most modern cars can run on 87 octane unleaded (now considered "regular" grade gasoline), "premium" grade gasoline is around 90 to 92 octane unleaded, airplane gasoline is typically 130 octane leaded.
Iso-octane is commonly used as a reference standard to measure the octane rating of gasoline. It is also used as a blending component in gasoline to improve its octane rating and reduce engine knock. Additionally, iso-octane is used in the production of solvents, adhesives, and paints.
Octane refers to a sort of rating when talking about it in relation to gasoline. High octane rated gasoline can be compressed more tightly without spontaneously combusting.
Fuel for gasoline engines which posesses a low octane rating using the R+M/2 method.
The octane rating of gasoline is determined by conducting a test called the Research Octane Number (RON) test. This test measures the fuel's resistance to knocking or pinging in an engine. The higher the octane rating, the better the fuel is at resisting premature combustion, which can cause engine damage.
it is a type of gasoline that has a higher octane rating for higher performance engines
Yes you can use premium gasoline in unleaded because premium gasoline is also unleaded. The only reason it is called premium gasoline is because it has a higher octance then regular unleaded. Regular unleaded has an octane rating of 87 and premium has an octane rating of 92. Premium gasoline burns slower then regualr gas because it has a higher octane rating.
Gasoline is a mixture of several hydrocarbons. The most predominant hydrocarbon is octane, or C8H18, which is why many gasolines have an octane rating.
it has 93 percent isooctane
91 octane is required on all Harley Davidson's.
C9 gas is a octane rating for gasoline, indicating a higher resistance to knocking in engines. It is a quality measure of gasoline's performance in engines, with C9 being a mid-level octane rating.
Tetraethyllead was used as an additive in gasoline to enhance the octane rating.