

What is autofellatio?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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Autofellatio: The art of performing self masturbation orally.

When the male performs oral sex/masturbation on himself using his mouth.

He will need to be very flexible to do this. The usual way to do it is by lifting the legs up and over the shoulders thus allowing the penis to come in contact with the mouth. Another way is to bend the neck forwards and down to the penis.

It does not mean you are gay if you do this, just that you are able to satisfy yourself in a different way to many.

The term for the act of sucking your own penis is Autofellatio and basically you either can do it or you can't. It is rather like the ability to put your legs over your shoulders or cross your legs in a lotus position, etc. Some people can do it some people can't. I guess if you start trying while you are still young then practise might make perfect. A supple body and a long penis would definitely help. There have been rumours (probably unfounded) that certain celebrities have had their bottom ribs removed to enable them to perform this activity.

It is just another form of masturbation. Not many males will be able to do this as it is very difficult to get the penis to the mouth. You need to be able to bend the torso quite a bit. Some people find lying on their backs and raising their legs up and over their heads makes it a bit easier to insert it. It is a matter of how flexible you are though.

In order to perform autofellatio, you need to be very flexible, simple as that. Don't force it, you could injure yourself that way, and that's the last position you want to be found in!

Actually to make this work (as in pleasurable to climax), you either have to have a extremely flexible spine (with practice), or a very long penis. Most young boys can flex enough with practice to at least lick their penises, but taking it to orgasm while stretching your spine that much, is not likely.

You have to be supple and flexible, and you probably would have to practice a lot.

Flexible and skilful, and many boys would like to be able to do the same.

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It's essentially masturbation, but that's a flexible definition.

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No, it is different to the usual type of masturbation a male will do but it is not wrong.

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Autofellatio can be potentially dangerous due to the risk of causing injury to the back, neck, or spine. It can also lead to muscle strain or other physical discomfort. It is important to be cautious and consult with a healthcare professional if attempting autofellatio.

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I assume you mean Autofellatio (check your spelling) in which case it is when a man performs oral sex on himself.

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You need to work on being more flexible so lots of bending exercises.

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Not many can actually perform it. You need to be flexible and young enough to practise. Nobody knows what percent because their has not been a poll taken.

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well first you have to have a rib taken out then suck away The act of inserting one's penis into his own mouth is known as autofellatio. Sexologist Alfred Kinsey postulated that fewer than one (1) percent of the population is able to perform this feat. Physical training such as gymnastics and yoga may allow one to achieve autofellatio. Gravity can also help, such as lying on one's back and raising his legs to assist in bending.

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Can you suck your penis at the age of 13?

Yes, you can I sucked my penis when I was only 12 well of course I masturbate any chance I get and I do autofellatio ( suck own penis) every day. You 9must first be flexible so practice stretching and you can even suck your penis with a 4 inch penis erect and since mine is 7 it wasn't hard.