An autosexual is a person who is aroused by his or her own body, or who has sex with his or herself.
Pure narcissism, baby. Or maybe it'd be the "age of the autosexual." Something like that.
A person who is only attracted to themselves is known as autosexual. This term denotes a strong romantic or sexual interest in oneself.
No. You are describing a sexual orientation called autosexuality. Being gay is not the same as being autosexual. You are describing narcissism or insecure, self-obsessed people. Narcissistic people will check themselves out constantly. People who are very insecure will do the same. Your self-identity is how you think of yourself, if you have self-esteem and how much. Being a boy, girl, hetero, bi or homosexual does not dictate how much you like yourself. Paris Hilton seems to check herself out often, Perez Hilton seems to do the same. It has nothing to do with their sexuality but how much emphasis they put on what others think of them.
There are lots of positions. See "Kama Sutra" by searching on the internet for this term. It is an ancient Hindu book with illustrations on how couples unite with their bodies in a relationship.
There are many sexual orientations. Here is a list of orientations provided by another contributor: A Abrosexual - An individual that has a fluid and/or rapidly changing sexuality that fluctuates between different sexualities. Aceflux - How asexual you feel tends to flux in and out in intensity. Some days you may feel apathetic toward sex, then others you might feel entirely sex-repulsed, and some days you like sex. Aegosexual - Autchorissexuality (also known as Aegosexuality) is a sub-section of asexuality. It refers to asexual people who still have a sex drive (and may still, despite their lack of sexual attraction, enjoy consuming sexually explicit content and/or masturbation and/or sexual fantasies). Akoisexual - Experiencing sexual attraction but having the feelings fade after the feelings are reciprocated. Akoisexual can also be further defined as not caring if the feelings of sexual attraction are reciprocated or not. Aliquasexual - Someone who does not normally experience sexual/romantic attraction but does on occasion or under specific circumstances. It falls under the gray-a umbrella, and refers to a specific experience, like Demisexual and Lithsexual. Allosexual - Allosexual is a term used most commonly in the asexual community to refer to someone who is not asexual. Someone who is Allosexual is someone who experiences sexual attraction. Antisexual - An asexual that is not interested in sex/sexual attraction at all. Has no desire to be in any type of sexual relationship whatsoever. Apothisexual - Someone who identifies as asexual and is sex repulsed. Apressexual - Only experiencing attraction after another form of attraction is felt. The attraction originally felt may or may not fade away over time, the new attraction replacing it. Asexual - Asexuality (or nonsexuality) is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity. It may be considered the lack of a sexual orientation. Autosexual - Autosexual is a term that describes a person that is sexually attracted to themself. Masturbation does not automatically make a person autosexual, just as having sex doesn't make a person sexual. B Biflux - Bisexuals/Biromantics that feel that their attraction fluctuates between genders. Bisexual - Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females. Boreasexual - An orientation that seems to revolve around one person in particular, or an exception to one's orientation, ie, someone who identifies as homosexual/homoromantic feeling attraction to someone of a different gender. In that case, it would be borearomantic/sexual towards someone. C Ceasesexual - Ceaseromantic/sexual is when one briefly switches from Alloromantic/Allosexual to Ace/Aro, although they are more often Allo than not. Cupiaflux - Desiring and/or liking the idea of a relationship (sexual or romantic) but level of attraction/desire for the relationship fluctuating. Cupiosexual - An extension of the asexual spectrum in which one desires a sexual relationship, but feels no sexual attraction towards anyone. D Demisexual - Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond. Demisexuals are characterized by a lack of sexual attraction toward any person unless they become deeply emotionally or romantically connected with a specific person or persons. The level of connection it takes for sexual desire to form is dependent on how close the relationship is rather than initial attraction. It is an orientation that is not chosen. Demisexuality does not refer to the active restraint or repression of sexual desires or actions. F Fictosexual - Fictosexuality is the sexual attraction towards fictional characters. Finsexual - Fin(sexual, romantic, etc.) stands for Feminine In Nature, which references feminine nonbinary people and feminine peeps who ID male, and is attraction to people that are feminine (by their own definition). Fixesexual - A sexual orientation where the person is rarely attracted to anyone sexually, but when they are attracted they become obsessed with that person. Fraysexual - Someone who is only sexually/romantically attracted to someone that they are less familiar with, and lose interest when they get to know the person. G Gay - Gay is a term that primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being homosexual. In modern English, gay has come to be used as an adjective, and as a noun, referring to the people, especially to gay males, and the practices and cultures associated with homosexuality. By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was recommended by major LGBT groups and style guides to describe people attracted to members of the same sex. Gray-Asexual - Gray asexuality, or gray-sexuality (sometimes spelled grey), is the concept and community of individuals falling under the "ace umbrella," or in the spectrum between identifying as asexual and engaging in sexual activity. Due to the wide range of this spectrum, gray asexuality encompasses a variety of individuals under the "ace umbrella." Individuals who identify with gray asexuality are referred to as being gray-A, a grace or a gray ace. Within this spectrum includes terms such as "hyposexual", "demisexual", "semisexual", "low sexual intensity", "asexual-ish" and "sexual-ish". Those who identify as gray-A tend to lean toward the more asexual side of the aforementioned spectrum. H Heteroflexible - Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual sexual orientation that is considered to distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as "mostly straight". A person who identifies as a heterosexual, but is not afraid to explore curiosity towards the same sex. A primarily straight individual who, in certain situations can find persons of the same sex appealing. Homoflexible - Being mostly attracted (both emotionally and physically) to the same sex, but can, on occasion be attracted to the opposite sex. This is different from Bisexuality because you are attracted to both sexes equally in bisexuality, but if you are homoflexible, you are drawn more to the same sex. Describes someone attracted primarily to members of the same sex (homosexual), but occasionally attracted to members of the opposite sex AND/OR able to derive pleasure from romantic encounters with members of the opposite sex. I Iamvanosexual - Feeling no desire to do sexual/romantic things to someone, but wanting to be on the receiving end. Opposite of Placiosexual. Iculasexual - Someone who is sexpositive and asexual. Idemsexual - Experiencing sexual and platonic feelings in the same way. Idiosexual - Experiencing sexual and romantic feelings in the same way. K Kalossexual - Desiring a sexual relationship but never feeling sexual attraction towards anyone. L Limnosexual - Sexual attraction only piqued by depictions of sexual acts (eg drawings or writing), not the acts themselves in real life. Lithsexual - People who feel attraction towards people, but with no desire to have the feelings reciprocated or the desire to act on it. Also known as Akoisexual. M Mansexual - Being exclusively attracted to people who are male. Minsexual - Being attracted to people who are masculine. Minsexual stands for Masculine In Nature, which references masculine nonbinary people and masculine peeps who ID female, and is attraction to people that are masculine (by their own definition). Multisexual - An umbrella term describing people who are attracted to more than one gender; the term includes bisexual, pansexual, and polysexual people and those who are attracted to more than one gender and identify their sexuality as queer or who have no label. N Ninsexual - Being attracted to people who are nonbinary, neutral, or null. 'Nin' is for nonbinary, neutral, or null. Nocismasexual - Attracted to everyone but cis men. Nomasexual - Nomasexual/romantic is sexual/romantic attraction to anyone who isn't male. Being attracted to anyone who isn't a boy. Novisexual - A sexuality too hard to pin down and describe in one word. Novosexual - Sexual/romantic orientation that changes along with one's gender. Nowomasexual - Attraction to everyone but females. Being attracted to anyone who isn't a girl. Neusexual - Being only sexually/romantically attracted to individuals who are genderless and/or sexless. O Omnisexual - Considered to go hand-in-hand with being Pansexual, being Omnisexual is a bit different. Pansexuals don't tend to view gender in the same ways that we do, whereas Omnisexuals view gender normally, they just don't care. Omnisexuals are attracted equally to all human beings (men, women, transexuals, etc.) They tend to go through phases of gender attraction that switch frequently and will eventually settle down with whoever wins their heart, regardless of said person's gender. P Pansexual - Pansexuals have the capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. A Pansexual could be open to someone who is male, female, transgender, intersex, or agendered/genderqueer. Parasexual - Someone who is asexual and wants to have sex solely for recreational purposes. Penultisexual - Attracted to all genders but your own. Placiosexual - One who feels little to no desire to receive sexual acts, but expresses interests/desires in preforming them on someone else. Platonisexual - You are more likely to be sexually attracted to friends than romantic partners, OR unable to distinguish the difference between sexual and platonic feelings, or cannot define sexual attraction, therefore do not know whether or not they have experienced it. Polysexual - Polysexuality is the attraction to multiple genders or sexes. A polysexual person is one "encompassing or characterized by many different kinds of sexuality." The attraction to multiple genders. Bisexuality and pansexuality are forms of polysexuality. Polysexuality generally rejects the idea of a gender binary, the idea that there are only two genders (male and female), rather than a spectrum of genders. Pomosexual - Pomosexual (the "pomo" means "postmodern") is a label used to describe those who do not self-identify as gay, straight, or bi, because they feel such labels are unnecessary and outdated. Denying, avoiding or not fitting in any sexual orientation label, such as heterosexual and homosexual. Presexual - Pre: A placeholder term for when someone feels that they have not experienced attraction enough to know their orientation yet. Proquasexual - A feminine person who is only attracted to other feminine people. Proquusexual - A masculine person who is only attracted to other masculine people. Q Quoisexual - Quoisexual is a sexual orientation where one experiences something between romantic and sexual attraction (or platonic and sexual), cannot differentiate between types of attraction, or does not know what sexual attraction feels like and therefore does not know if they experience it. R Recipsexual - Experiencing sexual attraction only after realizing someone is sexually attracted to you. Requiessexual - Limited or no sexual attraction/interest/activity due to some form of emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion may be the result of previous sexual endeavors and past experiences dealing with sexuality, or from something else just as emotionally draining. S Secundsexual - Sexually attracted to people, but not attracted to people's genitalia. Alternate definition: Sexually attracted to secondary sex characteristics, but not primary sex characteristics. Sentisexual - 'Senti': means your orientation is fluid when sensory overload happens. Speciosexual - To be attracted to individual traits regardless of gender. T Thymsexual - When one's attraction varies based on one's emotional state. Triflux - Feeling as if your attraction fluctuates between no certain genders. Trisexual - An extension of "bisexual". Where bisexuals would be attracted to two genders (male and female), "trisexual" implies an attraction to a third gender (i.e. transpeople, non-gender-identified people, etc.). V Vapubsexual - Someone who is asexual and genitalia repulsed. Vexsexual - 'Vex': When one's orientation is a-spectrum, but pinpointing it beyond that is impossible because the individual does not understand the concept of sexual/romantic attraction. Volitsexual - To be attracted, but not to anyone in particular. W Womasexual - A nonbinary person exclusively attracted to females. Synonymous with gynesexual.