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The alternator warning light monitors the charging system. When the light comes on it means the alternator has failed and you are running on the stored energy in the battery. You'll have anywhere from 5 to 30 miles to get to a repair shop depending on how many electrical devices are using the batteries power,,lights,wipers,etc.

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Q: What is an alternator warning light?
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yes if one of the wires was getting an earth from the alternator cover or rubbing off the engine the battery light is really an alternator light warning you that the alternator is not charging the battery

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Your alternator is defective and not recharging the battery. Have the alternator checked.

Why does the battery charging system warning light come on?

The alternator switches off

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There is a battery light above the engine temperature gauge

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The charging warning light should automatically reset if the battery is disconnected. Check the battery cables and ensure they are properly connected. Also check the alternator connections. If the light is still on there may be a problem with the new alternator.

You have a warning light that is on GEN what is this on your 1995 dodge ram van?

The alternator/generator is not charging.

Does the battery light being on mean the alternator is bad?

Not all the time. The alternator warning circuit wiring to the instrument panel could be grounded

Does the alternator light come on when your electrical system is in trouble?

The alternator light is a warning that there is a problem with the charging system. In most instances it means the alternator has failed. Any auto parts store can check your system and most will do it for free.

97 Camry battery warning light comes on and off when braking?

It's alternator time.

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The light means that there is an alternator issue

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A warning light on the dash would illuminate.

New alternator fitted but light stays on?

New Alternator BUT Warning Light Still Stays OnMaybe there was nothing wrong with the alternator you replaced, and the problem is somewhere else in the charging system!Although possible, it is highly unlikely that a new alternator would be defective.