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Q: What is abrieviation for gold?
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Is there an abrieviation for the word measurement?

Meas. - That's it :)

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wild n wet

What is Co A?

It is an important coenzyme for nutrition. CoA = coenzyme-A

What is the abrieviation for Indiana?

The postal abbreviation fro Indiana is IN.

Spelling abrieviation of management?

The spelling abbreviation of management is "mgmt". Management refers to the act of running or managing something. It involves providing direction.

What are mag wheels made of?

complete metal Mag is an abrieviation of Magnesium Alloy wheels which are generally cast from an alloy of Aluminium and Magnesium, used for its strength and light weight.

What does the abrieviation TUPE stand for?

The abbreviation of TUPE stands for 'Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment. It is a labor law which protects the rights of employees when their business is being transferred to another business.

What does kik mean in Internet slang?

"kik" is not internet slang, it is a type of instant messaging service that allows you to communicate with other people within the kik community.

What is a buffa?

a buff in short form or abrieviation. it can fly and sing and dance. It is a kind of lizard that chocks like a turtle, and runs a chicken. It yells goble gobble, and looks like a turd. I also call my pet elf this