

What is a word that means to admit fault?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Main Entry: confess

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: admit, confirm

Synonyms: acknowledge, affirm, allow, assert, attest, aver, avow, blow, blurt out, chirp, clue in, come clean*, come out, concede, confide, declare, disclose, divulge, dump on, evince, finger*, fink*, grant, humble oneself, leak*, let on*, level with, make clean breast of, manifest, narrate, open one's heart, own, own up, post, profess, prove, rat on, recognize, relate, reveal, sing*, snitch*, sound off, spill the beans*, spit out, squeal*, tip hand, unload*, vent, weasel*


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βˆ™ 15y ago
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