kingpins usually face outward on longboards
Trucks have very large blind spots. If you cannot look in the mirror and see the driver's face, he cannot see you.
There are many hazards that police face while on duty. Car accidents while writing tickets on the side of the road is a common hazard.
You must face all the challenges given by the creator to unlock all the legendary cars on cars.
Black ice on road surface , cross-traffic running red lights, objects falling from other vehicles and into your path, animals or children darting into your lane of traffic.
Ya face....
Try special interest group forums that like discussing cars and car parts or if you want face-to-face professional information visit a local garage, one that specialises in vehicle upgrades should be able to help.
animal hazard=sharp instrument hazard==heat hazard==glasses hazard==chemical hazard==electrical hazard==eye and face hazard==fire hazard==biohazard==laser radiation hazard==radioactive hazard==explosive hazard=