It is an everyday looking car that doesn't look fast, but is heavily modified for performance without giving away visual clues.
A sleeper railway carriage (or a sleeper, a rail sleeper, a sleeper car).
A sleeper car
The cast of The Sleeper Car - 2012 includes: Patrick Cassels Cody Lindquist Charlie Todd
any sporty car could be a sleeper. my personal choice would be a 90's mustang with no body accessories
The sleeper car allowed people to travel great distances on a train in comfort. They could sleep and rest in the sleeper and arrive at their destination rested.
Each sleeper car travels at the speed of the locomotive that propels it.
Baggage car, Boxcar, Buffet car, Caboose, Coach, Flatbed car, Observation car, Parlor car, Sleeper car,
Other words for car are: carriage, wagon, coach, Pullman, flatcar, railway carriage, sleeper, compartment
iink it cost 50 quid for a sleeper car, 10 quid for a seat car and 100 quid for a luxorious car
lee's bed is in his sleeper. Lee is a semi driver.
George Pullman created the sleeper cars used on the US Railroads and commonly referred to as 'Pullman's/'
Jim Sleeper was born in 1947.