Also called semi, is a detachable trailer for hauling freight, with wheels at the rear end, the forward end being supported by the rear of a truck tractor when attached.
A trailer of ice
It's short for "semitrailer". The entire rig is properly called a tractor-semitrailer. It's a semitrailer because it's only part of a trailer; it only has the back set of wheels (the front wheels under the cargo area are attached to the tractor, the part with the engine and the driver's cab).
60 ft
2 plates on tractor 1 plate on trailer
Start by dropping your trailer. You will notice there are wheels on only one end. A trailer like that is a "semitrailer." A "full trailer" has wheels at both ends. The official name is a "tractor-semitrailer," shortened to "semi."
Turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction you want the trailer to go
Weigh pads are used to weigh semitrailers. Those can be carried by a single person.
the 40ft flatbed semitrailer length 12.5m / 2.5m width and we are makeing this dimentions
An adequate simitrailer parking spot is 12 feet wide X 53 feet long.
Semi-trailers come in different sizes and not all are made with the same materials and components or extra features. A 53-foot empty semi-trailer can weigh anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 pounds.
The vehicle in the TV series BJ and the Bear was a 1984Kenworth semitrailer/truck K100 Aerodyne VIT.
The prefix semi means half. Therefore a semicircle is half a circle. Other examples semidetached, semitrailer, semifinal