No, they have different meanings.Following distance is the safe distance to follow behind a moving motor vehicle.Stopping distance is the combination of the drivers reaction time to apply the brakes and the time the vehicle takes to come to a halt.
The major cause of accidents between vehicles already on a highway and a vehicle entering a highway from an entrance ramp is because ramp motorists fail to YIELD.YIELD signs mean, allow traffic already on the highway to pass and proceed only when there is safe and clear distance to MERGE into moving traffic.
as a defensive driver you must follow the car ahead of you at safe distance of?
7 car lengths
4 seconds
While towing a trailer on a highway with a 65 mph speed limit, you should adhere to that limit if it is safe to do so. Make sure your vehicle and trailer are properly equipped and balanced, and maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles. Drive at a speed that is comfortable and manageable given the conditions.
Safe distance is 2 seconds, or 4 car lengths. More if snow is on the ground or its raining.
Obey posted signs and lane indicators, maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of them.
Three seconds is considered a safe distance to follow someone at. Here in California the Highway Patrol suggests four seconds. Any time you are following someone closer than is safe for the conditions, you could get a ticket.
The legal distance varies by state, but in city traffic, 100 feet should be pretty safe. Allow more distance on the highway
8 seconds
Maintain a safe distance between vehicles. Never tailgate.