red car = rotes Auto red car = roter Wagen red car = roter PKW
The red car will appear red, as the yellow light will be absorbed by the red pigment of the car and only red light will be reflected.
Red Car Inc. was created in 1982.
Google "red custom car shop".
I did not witness a car running a red light.
My Red Hot Car was created on 2001-05-21.
Big Red Car Ride was created in 2005.
Big Red Car was created on 1995-02-20.
Red Velvet Car was created on 2010-08-31.
The conclusion does not logically follow from the premises. Just because your car is not red, it does not necessarily mean that your shirt is also not blue. The color of your car and shirt are independent of each other.
To Paint a car red will be expensive. Red is the most expensive automotive color paint.
probably because it is red