5kgs is how munch the whole scooter weights and the nitro is a really good scooter 8) :) cam Jones
It is really good if you dont mind the weight of it.
Orange is a really good color for it.
An Electric Scooter
The district v4 complete is a really good scooter. I would recommend it a lot. the only thing you would need is a brake because the brake given tends to snap alot.
Yes but after buying all the parts and fabbing all the pieces it would be easier to just get a gas scooter.Unless you really need to do it then good luck.
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no he does not
Yes, they are but they aren't a very good quality scooter so i wouldn't recomend this scooter.
Toys "R" Us. Now, scooter.
i think it is a good scooter
Yes. Actually it is a great scooter brand.