Pedal Box is where the pedals are held and pivoted, a inflexible structure is typically required; in impact, the pedal box can be forced in on a driver's lower leg and feet leading to significant injury.
to remove the pedal box the whole dash has to be taken out, absolute pain in the ass
are ..
There are 2 syllables in the word pedal, divided as follows:pe\dal
The fuse box in the 996 (911) is in the lateral wall of the pedal well, to the left of the clutch pedal.
Left Of Brake Pedal
Under the dash behind the brake pedal
The fuse box is located under the steering wheel above the brake pedal.
The fuse box is located under the driverside above the emergency break pedal...
right above your brake pedal there is a box above the fuse box the flasher relay is in there
The fuse box just above your emergency brake pedal.
The fuse box for a 96 Altima is located under the dashboard by the brake pedal.
The fuse box on my 85 landcruiser is on the outside wall next to the excellerator pedal.