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Q: What is a mechanical action?
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What are the mechanical action of digestion?

Its just the physical action i think.

What is mechanical breakdown of rocks by the action of others rocks and sand particles?

Mechanical erosion.

What cocks a hammerless gun?

Mechanical action.

What do waves erode through?

Mechanical action.

What mechanical breakdown of rocks by the action of other rocks and sand particles is?

mechanical or physical weathering

What is the mechanical digestion?

Mechanical digestion refers to the physical action of breaking down food into smaller parts.

Which handguns might be fitted with a mechanical safety?

Double action revolver

Is animal action mechanical or chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering

Is frost action mechanical or chemical weathering?

Frost action is a type of mechanical weathering. It occurs when water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, expands, and causes the rock to break apart.

What are some characteristics of mechanical?

Mechanical weathering is when rocks are worn away by physical action, ex: a river running past.

What are characteristics of mechanical weathering?

Mechanical weathering is when rocks are worn away by physical action, ex: a river running past.

What does the churning action of the stomach wall accomplish?

The churning action of the stomach wall accomplishes mechanical digestion. Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth and along with chemical digestion, ends in the small intestine.