it is to control the brakes, it links the brakes with the battery to make a less spongy brake through the electric current.
tension and anger lead to break ups and discomfort with your loved one or a friend.
Tension does not have anything to do with evaporation.
Low cost, & high power to weight ratio.
The springs in the suspension hold tension.
Having a low voltage, or designed to work at low voltages.
yes it is lower than the surface tension of water
Lead (Pb) is commonly used in electrodes in car batteries as it forms lead-acid batteries, which are known for their reliability and low cost. Lead is a heavy metal that can store and release electrical energy efficiently in this application.
An LT cable is a low tension (or low voltage) cable.
Lead shot can float in water due to surface tension. When the lead shot is placed on the surface of the water, the surface tension of the water creates a thin barrier that can support the weight of the lead shot, causing it to float.
It's the tension of the strings in Superstring Theory. The tension refers to the ability of a string to vibrate at high or low frequencies, which is responsible for the energies of particles.
Low surface tension means high wetting as it represents low contact angle. It is therefore very easy for a low surface tension water / liquid to wet the surface ( usually solid) and get rid of the dirty in a same way a surfactant does unlike a high surface tension liquid which can't wett the surface containing the dirty.... ( answered by MR BANDA) #NOTE i stand to be corrected if any error was made