a grease fitting is something that u put a grease gun into and pump grease into it to lubricate ball joints, steering knuckles ect...
No, no grease fitting.
a grease fitting.
what are you trying to grease
Grease fitting or allimite making a way for grease to be forced into mechanical points that need grease to prevent wear and make movement easy.
Factory ball joints do not have a grease fitting. If yours have been replaced, it is then possible it will have a fitting.
is there a grease fitting on a 2001dodge ram diesel steering box
If they are original they have no grease fittings If they are replacement they will have grease fitting on the side - special fitting for your grease gun will be required (Thinner than normal)
No there is not.
Where are the grease fittings on a Chrysler 300 front end
You grease the suspension on a 2005 Chevy Trailblazer by attaching a grease gun to the grease fittings. Grease is then injected into the fitting until it leaks back out.
It takes a standard Zerk fitting. If your having trouble with the Alemite fitting on the end of the grease gun, it may be worn out or just loose.
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