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The most common use of a governor is to limit the top speed of the vehicle...most newer cars have them and the speed is set by the manufacturer...they can be changed with a flash programmer for that specific vehicle.

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Q: What is a governor on a car?
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The Governor's car doesnt have a number - a gold crown is in place of a number plate.

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The governor in a car engine limits how fast the car can go. If you took it out, the car wouldn't have a limit and would keep going faster and would break down.

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What does the Speed Governor in a car do?

I know of no car today that has a governor. Cars are computer controlled and have either a rev limiter or a fuel shut off or both. The purpose is to limit the speed of the car, and/or the revolutions that the engine can turn.

Does your 2004 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS have a governor?

no, this car doesn't have a governor, I have personally driven over 130mph in it stock.

How do you remove a governor from a 1998 Oldsmobile intrigue GL?

You can't take off the "governor" on any computerized car.

Does 1997 eclipse have a governor If so where is it located?

as far as i am concerned, this car is not governed, i have a 96 eclipse and no governor on it, i have picked the car up to 5k rpm in 5th gear and nothing felt like was governed. so no governor, i do not no if autos are governed though.

How do you disable the governor on your 22 ltr 2004 Alero?

There is no governor on this car. The speed is computer controlled by a rev limiter or fuel shutoff.

Does the 2002 Oldsmobile alero have a governor?

yes it does i have a 2003 olds-mobile alero v6 sedan and the governor stops the car at 110mph

What is the speed governor set on a 2003 mustang 3.8L v6?

The speed governor is set to 115mph. I hit it many times when I had that car