There are many companies that compare car insurance. A few of these companies which compare insurance for the United Kingdom include Which and Money Supermarket.
The cheapest car insurance company is highly dependant on your situation. I would recommend using a local insurance company website that compares rates to find which one is best for you.
There is a company called Car Insurance Quote that compares car insurance quotes from major car insurance companies in your area. Some major car insurance companies also provide comparisons of their competitors.
Progressive is a good company to get car insurance from.
Waterloo is a great company that provides good car insurance. They are cheap and have very good customer serivce.
"Although Allianz is an insurance company, it doesn't offer services for car insurance. The company mainly specializes in life and corporate insurance."
It depends on people experience with the company. You can read more reviews online to get more opinion and you can shop around for car insurance price to compares them.
You can go with a company like progressive which compares the rate you can get with them to other insurance companies. If you don't trust what they tell you, just try calling around.
Prudential insurance is not a good and trusting company for cars, but they are ok for home owners insurance. For any other company would be better for you for car insurance.
They compare ratings in satisfation at
One should obtain quotes from a company that compares rates to find low car insurance premiums. Progressive is famous for doing this, but quotes can also be requested from AERA Inc and Cheap Car Insurance 123.
The Direct Insurance Company offers cheap motorcycle and car insurance. They also offer rental and home insurance at the same good rates as their car and motorcycle insurance.