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A type of brake that is used to stop a bike. The name's Liam Crabbe. I told you my name to tell me if you need a modification to the question. PLEASE include your first and last name. I'm an eight year old boy you know. And remember, to answer, RESEARCH.

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Q: What is a front brake?
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A)Which is the most effective stopping brake, front or rear?

The most effective brake is the front brake.

What is the most effective brake front or rear?

The most effective brake is the front brake.

Front brake pads Chrysler t and c?

Yes it has front brake pads.

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The Dodge Intrepid has front and rear brake hoses

Your Mercury has front and rear disc brakes and you need new brake shoes but you thought they only went with brake drums can anyone explain how I can have brake discs and still have brake shoes?

A car what has front disc and rear drum brakes have front brake pads and rear brake shoes.

What will cause f-1991 F150 front emergency brake to not release?

Front emergency brake? Do you mean a frozen cable? If front brake is locked may be a frozen caliper Emergency brake tied to rear brakes only

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How do you stop front brake vibration on a 1997 ford escort?

replace front brake discs and pads.

Why does the right front brake lock up on a 1992 dodge caravan?

Could be a restricted/damaged brake hose or brake line on the left front.

Do rear brake pads wear faster than front brake pads?

No, rear brake pads do not typically wear faster than front brake pads. The front brake pads usually wear out faster because they handle a larger portion of the braking force.