it was the first meeting since 1614 of the french Estate General, a general assembly representing the french estate of realm.
the estate-general was held to discuss the high taxes in France.
it was the first meeting since 1614 of the french Estate General, a general assembly representing the french estate of realm.
third estate
The Third Estate.
The Estates general (Etats-Generaux) IS the 3 Estates (Clergy, Nobility, Commons) taken as a whole.
The Tennis court oath was formed . - a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of theEstates-General on 20 June 1789 .
It was unfair for each estate to have one vote because the first and second estate would always out-vote the third estate, seeing they have more common interests. Moreover, the third estate encompassed 97% of the French population yet they only receive one vote in the Estate's General.
It was unfair for each estate to have one vote because the first and second estate would always out-vote the third estate, seeing they have more common interests. Moreover, the third estate encompassed 97% of the French population yet they only receive one vote in the Estate's General.
General Motors.
The Clergy. The second estate was the nobility, and the third was the commoners (everyone else)
They thought the general estate was unfair because they had much more privileges than they did. Because of the Enlightment, the Third Estate wanted equality and liberty. They were also inspired by the American Revolution and began questioning the structure of their society.