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Q: What is a difficult situation you had in your life?
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What does predicaments?

A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one; an unfortunate or trying position or condition; a tight spot Predicament- a difficult situation - an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation

Can't organize life after husbands suicide what to do?

That is difficult situation but life must go on, be realistic even uneasy to do. You can start a new life, new family or perhaps get move to new environment.

What is the slang or saying for a difficult situation that will only get more difficult?

no undertalking is difficult if pursed with perseverance

What is “a predicament”?

a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.

What is the definition of predicament?

The proper definition of the word predicament is an unpleasant, difficult or dangerous situation. Being in a predicament refers to a situation that is difficult to remove oneself from.

What is the proper definition of predicament?

The proper definition of the word predicament is an unpleasant, difficult or dangerous situation. Being in a predicament refers to a situation that is difficult to remove oneself from.

What is the definition of confrontation?

confront: to deal directly with a difficult situation Talk directly to the person that may be involved in the difficult situation confront = to deal with

What is the most difficult ethical situation that you have encountered professionally and how did you handle it in an airport?

My legality and my honesty are answer them this situation.

Who made the life of Catholics difficult?

Why do you say a life of a Catholic is difficult it is only difficult if you make it or think it is difficult i find the life of a catholic as a honor and you should do to.