

What is a deductible?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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βˆ™ 9y ago

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A deductible is the amount that you must pay out of pocket before the insurance company will start making payment.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

the act or process of deducting

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What is the correct spelling of deductible or deductible?


Is it deductible or deductible?

It is "deductible," except in Australia, where it's spelled "deductable."

Which type of deductible requires a new deductible for each separate claim?

Straight Deductible

Do you have to pay the deductible if you hit another car?

If your policy contains a Deductible clause then yes you will have to pay your deductible.

What is the average deductible for antiques insurance?

The average deductible varies depending on your company. However, on average, the deductible is about $1000.

Does a deductible apply for hitting a deer?

Yes! I did it and had to pay my deductible.

WHEN health insurance deductible?

WHEN WHEN when is health insurance deductible paid when? When?

If you have an accident before the deductible is lowered but the claim is not filed until after which deductible applies?

The deductible at the time of the accident not the time of claim.

What is deductible for?

When you have a deductible in your plan, before your insurance starts paying for the coverage, you have to meet the deductible after which the insurance starts paying its portion.

How does your deductible work in home insurance?

The amount of a policy deductible on a homeowners insurance policy is chosen by the policyholder. Your policy deductible is the amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance company will payout for a claim. If you experience a loss to your dwelling or your personal property, your homeowners insurance policy deductible applies. The deductible does not apply to other coverages on the policy. If you experience a loss under your deductible, you will not be eligible for a payout. If your loss exceeds your deductible, your deductible will be deducted from your claims payout check.

Does your auto insurance deductible cover your car and the car that you hit in an accident?

You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.

Do Hospitals have a deductible?

Yes you usually have a deductible amount that you have to pay to the hospital.