The CPU (central processor unit) is a small part of the control unit. In automotive applications, sensor input are the most inportant devices. Ram (random access memory) and ROM (Read only memory, which hold the control instructions or program) The most important part the the timming intervals and fixed assumtions of fuel pressure operationg tempature and ait flow. I hope this helps and isn't too technicial.
from a former Junior college instructor.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
A CPU contains a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit
yes,if at all we check it out basic process of computer architecture ,we can come to know with out control unit the only CPU process cannot run ,CPU means it is combination of conntrl unit and arthimetic logical unit.....
The letters CPU stand for Central Processing Unit. A CPU is made up of the control unit, instruction decoding unit and an arithmeticlogic unit.
CPU (Central processing unit)
The control unit coordinates all activities of a CPU. The other parts of a CPU are arithmetic logic unit and memory.
A pig
Job control is a system function and is handles by an operating system. The CPU does not candle any job control functions. Job control is on a much higher level that the CPU is not designed to handle.
the units of the CPU are :- ALU (arithmetic and logical unit) CU(control unit) the ALU handles the arthmetic operations being done by the application and the CU is responsible for handling the instruction passed by the micro processor.
A CPU is made up of the control unit (CU), instruction decoding unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU).