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Q: What is a car radiator protector called?
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What was the car without a radiator?

question- what was the car without a radiator? well it's probly a car without a stinking radiator,,,

Can a car radiator be fixed?

yes, a car radiator can be fixed in a repair shop

How do you add water to a jetta radiator?

When a car is hot, keep the car running and add water to the radiator. When a car is cold, you can simply put the water into the radiator.

What happens When radiator fails?

When your radiator fails in a car, your car will overheat. Sometimes it will explode with steam. Usually you lose your radiator coolant. Often you will have to replace your radiator.

What parts are needed to fix the radiator in a car?

The parts that are needed to fix a car radiator depends on what is wrong with the radiator. It would be best to have the radiator fixed by a professional.

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Where is the valve located to drain the old antifreeze on a 2001 Hyundai XG300?

I'm pretty sure it's on the drivers side on the bottom of the radiator. You'll need to remove the plastic protector from the front, bottom of your car to see it.

What supports a car radiator?

a radiator core support

How expensive are car door protectors typically?

Car door protectors can vary between $20 and $100 depending on what kind of car door protector one wants to get and how much a person is willing to invest in a car door protector.

What is a Spherical antenna protector called?

It is called RADOMES

How do you unclog a car radiator?

Remove radiator from the vehicle and have it boiled out and refurbished by a radiator shop...

What is the German word for protector?

There a a few words in German that are used to mean "protector".It depends on the context in which it is used.A "protector" as in a "Bodygaurd" then it is "Beschützer" (old fashioned "Protektor").A "protector" as in someone who protects his subjects (a Lord or King) is called a "Schutzherr".A "protector" as in a guard on a machine or moving parts is called "Schutzeinrichtung".A "protector" as in a to protect an edge or surface of an object is a "schoner".