Depends on rarity (how many were produced overall) and current condition (original parts no damage). A 1920's in excellent, original condition could fetch you about $100k.
Depends on the color, miles, the manufacturer, model, engine, modified or not, what condition it's in, etc etc. If you know the specific car model, you can go to & find out how much the car is worth.
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
$105 million in 1920 was worth about $1,244,340,000 in 2015.
it is worth $574,468 U.S
About $400.
The cast of Park Your Car - 1920 includes: Ernest Morrison Marie Mosquini
As of October 29th, 2013, one pound in 1920 would be worth 3087.31307 USD today.
soda in the 1920's were worth 3 cents.