A brake accumulator is a device that holds brake fluid at a very high pressure. It is an important part of a proper brake system.
The accumulator stores brake fluid under very high pressure. An electric pump keeps the accumulator pressurized with brake fluid. When you press the brake pedal, pressurized fluid from the accumulator operates the brakes.
Low brake bressure can be caused by a worn accumulator, poor pump performance, a bypassing brake booster or an inaccurate pressure sensor. To test your brake accumulator, turn the key to the on position and pump the brake pedal. A properly functioning accumulator will give you 25-30 brake applications before the low brake pressure light illuminates
3000 PSI
the mercedes dealer ship:P
if the check brake light is on, the accumulator is bad. this part will run 700.00for a rebuilt one. the other option is to replace the brake system with a non anti-lock brake system
turn off car and pump the brake pedal until pressure is relieved
A mechanical, or electrical accumulator???
Accumulator is what the British call a capacitor.
The size of the accumulator is the same,means 64bit.
As a rule, you'll need to purchase an appropriate re-seal kit for your accumulator. You will then need to disassemble your accumulator, clean everything and reassemble the accumulator with the new seals that came in your kit.
An accumulator machine, also called a single accumulator organisation , or a CPU with accumulator-based architecture, is a kind of CPU where, although it may have several registers, the CPU mostly stores the results of calculations in one special register, typically called "the accumulator". Historically almost all early computers were accumulator machines; and many microcontrollers still popular as of 2010
Accumulator contains one of the operand for any operation which is performed by the ALU.The result of the operation is stored in the Accumulator. thus it is a special register