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A bonded truck driver is a driver that has no criminal record and is covered by company bond.

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Q: What is a bonded truck?
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What is a bonded truck driver?

A bonded truck driver is a driver that has no crimminal record and is covered by company bond.

What is a bonded driver?

A bonded truck driver is a driver that has no crimminal record and is covered by company bond.

How thick does the brake pads have to be on a dump truck?

Alberta Canada requires 5/16 inch or 8MM above rivet head or if bonded friction material, 8mm above metal.

What percentage of bonded leather is plastic?

0%. If it is bonded leather it is bonded leather and not plastic!

Where to get bonded?

To get bonded, you go to the Police Station.

What are the double and triple bonded hydrocarbons called?

Double bonded hydrocarbons are called alkenes, and triple bonded hydrocarbons are called alkynes.

Have you ever applied to be bonded?

Yes, i have applied to be bonded.

Have you been bonded before?

Yes, I have been bonded before.

Are you licensed, bonded, and insured?

Yes. We are licensed, bonded, and insured.

Is Freon a more covalently bonded or ionically bonded?

Freon is more covalently bonded. It consists of covalent bonds between the carbon, fluorine, and chlorine atoms in its structure.

What is a substance of 2 atoms bonded called?

If they are covalently bonded, it would be a molecule. If they are bonded by an ionic bond, they form an ionic compound.

What is Bond Insurance?

Bond insurance is mostly used for people who are truck drivers who are mostly independent contractors. They charge a less fee since they are independent and are more valuable since they are bonded and have liablity aganist them if something happens.