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Click on the Related Link below and scroll down the page. There are photos of the front of a motor. The belt is a long, thin, black rubberized band -- it's one long loop. The pulleys are round. The belt is placed on top over the pulleys. One pulley can be moved a little so that the belt can be made tighter or loser.

Why all that stuff? When the motor runs it turns one of the pulleys, and that makes the belt move (cause its tight on the pulley) and the belt moving causes all the other pulleys to turn. So the fan turns to cool the radiator.. So the alternator turns and makes electiricity to charge the battery. Etc. Etc.

A pulley is a wheel with a groove and a the belt is what runs through those grooves which spins the pulley. The pulley spins which turns a pump in a Power Steering pump or coil in a alternator.

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Q: What is a belt and pulley?
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Why is a timing belt like a belt and pulley?

It is not like a belt and pulley. A timing belt is a belt and it fits on a pulley.

WHAT PULLEY DO I loosen to get single drive belt on?

If you are referring to the Serpentine belt, you loosen no pulley. You simply remove tension from the belt. The tension is applied by the Idler Pulley. Pry the idler back and remove the belt.If you are referring to the Serpentine belt, you loosen no pulley. You simply remove tension from the belt. The tension is applied by the Idler Pulley. Pry the idler back and remove the belt.

How do you install an alternator belt on a 95 Grand Am?

Loosen the tensioner pulley. Put the belt around the alternator pulley and the tensioner pulley. Move the tensioner pulley to the right until the belt is tight. Tighten the tensioner pulley.

Belt changing belt on trailblazer?

You can change the serpentine belt on your Chevrolet trailblazer, by loosening the tensioner pulley. With the loosened tensioner pulley the belt will come off easily. Tighten the new belt with the tensioner pulley.

What is the path for the serpentine belt on the 01 Taurus?

should be a sticker on fan shroud Alternator, idler pulley, power steering, a/c, tensioner pulley, crankshaft pulley, water pump this is the order cant upload the picture but when placing the belt on if the pulley has the grooves in it the grooved side of the belt should face the pulley and if the pulley is smooth then the back of the belt faces the pulley

Can you use belt and pulley in two wheelers?

It would depend on what you want to use the belt and pulley for

How do you change ac belt on gmc Yukon?

Loosen the tensioner pulley. When the tensioner pulley is loose the belt will come off. Put the new belt on and tighten the tensioner pulley.

What is a pulley and what is an example of a pulley?

A pulley and belt is most likely referring to a pulley which is driven by a belt on a vehicles engine. There can be a variety of pulleys e.g. power steering pully on the power steering pump, alternator pulley, water pump pulley, etc. The belt is often called a serpentine belt or accessory belt and wraps around these pulley which run your accessories, if the belt breaks your vehicle will lose the accessories in which it powers. It should be noted that the accessory belt is diffent from the timing belt. The timing belt keeps the engine in time and will not go into details about how it does so as the above answer is sufficient enough for the question asked.

How do you loosen a serpentine belt on a Lincoln LS?

as new as the car is it would have a belt tensioner pulley...its a pulley with a spring loaded pulley to self tightn the belt...if u take the right size of socket for at the pulley and turn the pulley down...but not by unscewing the bolt at the using the bolt as something the to hang on to the pulley so when u turn it the pulley will retract and losen the belt to take off...very easy but takes some muscle....if it doesnt have a belt tensioner pulley it would be the alternater that will have to be moved so the belt losens....if that's the case have when u put the new belt on you have to make sure the belt is tight enogh or to tight....the belt will have play in it but with strong applided movement...also the serpentine belt doesnt have to be timed

How do you release the belt tensioner on a 2002 2.4 l toyota camry to repace the serpentine belt?

The 2002 Toyota Camry belt tensioner pulley can be loosened by loosening the pulley nut. The pulley nut is located in the center of the pulley.

How do you change the belt on a 1998 Chevy Prizm?

Begin by loosening the tensioner pulley. Slide the tensioner pulley to the right and the belt will become loose. Remove the old belt and put the new belt on. Tighten the new belt by sliding the tensioner pulley to the left.

How do you replace an alternator belt on a 1987 SAAB 900?

You will need to loosen the alternator belt with the tensioner pulley. When the tensioner pulley is loose the alternator belt will become loose. Put the new alternator belt on and tighten the tensioner pulley.