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A lemon law buyback title is when a car is sold by a dealer or private seller with defects or problems that they knew about but did not tell the buyer on purchase. This protects against scams.

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Q: What is a Lemon Law buyback title?
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How do you remove lemon law from title in Pa?

Generally speaking once a title has been branded as a "lemon" the title cannot legally be changed unless you can prove to your Secretary of State or Department of Motor Vehicles that the title should not have been branded as a lemon.

What is the lemon law in Pennsylvania for motorcycles?

There is no Lemon Law coverage. Pennsylvania (PA) Attorney General's Office - Title 73 Chapter 28, Sections 1951-1963

Does Georgia has a lemon law?

Yes they do have a lemon law.

Do I have to sell my shares in a buyback?

No, you are not required to sell your shares in a buyback. It is your choice whether or not to participate in a buyback offer.

What is the lemon law?

Lemon law is the law that protects the consumer when purchasing a new or used vehicle that is still under the manufacturers' warranty. Not all the states have lemon law so do check with your state to see if lemon law is available.

How long does a lemon law for used cars last?

There is no such law as a "lemon law" on a used car. Lemon laws only apply to new cars.

What is the lemon law in Tennessee on vehicles sold as is?

The Lemon Law does not apply to a vehicle sold "as is."

Where can I find a reputable California lemon law attorney?

Here are two lemon law practices in California: Lemon Law Attorneys - Berkley (510)845-8844; and California Lemon Law Attorneys - Glendale (661)255-2303.

What is a buyback?

A buyback is a repurchase of something previously sold, especially of stock by the company which issued it.

Does Texas lemon law apply to used cars?

Yes, the lemon law applies but the buyers remorse law does not.

Where in California, can I find a lemon law attorney?

You can find a California lemon law lawyer at

Where can I locate a California lemon law lawyer?

You can find a California lemon law lawyer at