DIT motors are Direct Injection Turbo engines. It has a naturally aspirated engine with a ratio of 1:1 stroke x bore generally 86 x 86mm. It supports higher operational speeds and better environmental performance due to reduced exhaust gas emissions. The net power output is also higher.
Anapestic - is a "foot" (beat) comprising three syllables - dit dit DAH"First two UNstressed, the LAST one is STRESSED".That's anapestic trimeter right there.But, Pentameter defines that there will be 5(penta) feet (meters) in the line.dit dit DAH dit dit DAH dit dit DAH dit dit DAH dit dit DAH
dah-dah dit di-dah-dit di-dah-dit dah-di-dah-dah dah-di-dah-dit di-di-di-dit di-dah-dit di-dit di-di-dit dah-dah di-dah di-di-dit
On Dit was created in 1932.
DIT means "Details In Thread"
for dit me may for dit me may
di-di-dit dah dit di-dah-di-dit di-dah-di-dit di-dah
Calvin Harris - Acceptable in the eighties....
Dit Terzi was born in 1980.
You could say: "C'est bien dit!" or in a short form "Bien dit!"
Dit means 'says' in English. C'est ce qu'elle dit > that's what she says.
"J'ai dit" in French translates to "I said" in English.