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Anti-lock Brake System.

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Q: What is a ABS in cars?
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Related questions

Which cars have abs?

Almost all modern automobiles do.

What year did abs start on gm cars?


Do all cars have abs brakes?

the majority of cars do now but watch out the older it is the less likely it is to have them

What countries require ABS brakes on cars?

Saudi Arabia

Do 2004 Toyota Corallas have ABS?

yes, pretty much all cars in the past two decades have ABS stardard

What does the abs warning light look like?

Different brands and models of cars have different warning light shapes. On many the ABS light is red and says ABS in the middle of it.

What is the significance of the cars that come to a screeching stop outside the building?

Those cars do not have ABS brakes. If they had they wouldn't screech.

Why is ABS light on all the time on KIA Rio 2004 although sensors have been changed?

the rotors do not have the ridges so the abs sensor can see something.did you purt abs rotors or non-abs rotors on vehicle. most cars light up brake when low on brake fluid, a few cars light up ABS to show same thing. Of course there is the possibility that there really is something wrong with the ABS circuit.

Do all cars 2005 and up have abs brakes?

No.Not all. It is an option on most cars, I would guess well over half, probably most, do have ABS but it's not like it's required by law

Does the abs and the cv joint have anything to do with each other?

On some cars, the abs sensors may read off of a tone ring on the cv joint.

What does abs?

abdominal muscles- stomach Anti-Lock Braking System - Relating to Cars

What cars use 5x105 bolt pattern?

Holden and opel astra sri with abs