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A very large off-highway dump truck, primarily used in quarrying.

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Q: What is a 797b dump truck?
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What is the cost of the cat 797b dump truck?

According to the article below, the cost was $ 5 million in 2004

What vehicle has the most stock horsepower?

the caterpiller 797b has 35,000 hp its a mega dump truck about 3 stories high its used for the oil dunes in alberta,canada

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How much dirt can a dump truck hold?

The amount of dirt a dump truck can hold depends on the size of the dump truck. The average tri axle dump truck can hold 12 cubic yards of dirt, and a quad axle can hold 14.

What is a tandem dump truck?

A dump truck with two drive axles.

What is the difference between a dump truck and a end dump truck?

A dump truck is simply a truck with a dump body - it could be a side dump, belly dump, or end dump. An end dump dumps out of the rear. "End dump" is generally used to refer to tractor-trailer end dumps, while single vehicle end dumps are generally just referred to as "dump trucks".

How many tons does a dump truck hold?

it depends on how big the dump truck is

What the length of a dump truck?

What type and configuration of dump truck? A single axle dump truck is going to be much shorter than a centipede, and you could be referring to any dump truck in between the two extremes, as well.

What is the length of a dump truck?

What type and configuration of dump truck? A single axle dump truck is going to be much shorter than a centipede, and you could be referring to any dump truck in between the two extremes, as well.

What is a dump truck?

a truck that dumps....

How many tons of rock can a dump truck hold?

It depends on the size of the dump truck.

What is the first step in owning your dump truck business?

Learning how to drive a dump truck.