RR means rural rout and most of the time is out of the city limits
The address where you park your vehicle regularly is considered the Garaging Address
You can have two addresses, mailing address and garaging address. The garaging address cannot be a post office box. Insurance companies charge you based on the garaging address of the vehicle, not your mailing address.
The garaging addess is the physical location that the car is when you are at "home" and not using the car. This can not be a P.O. Box.
RR in a postal address can mean rural route
No. You would need to put your residence address on both the insurance contract as your garaging address and New York will require the same address be where the vehicle is registered. In either case if you lie you will certainly jeopardize your insurance coverage and probably be in trouble with the authorities as well.
PO Box would be your mailing address and the insurance company really cares about the garaging address of the vehicle so it may be difficult.
Are you in a different state? Wouldn't hurt to advise your agent or the policy services dept of your insurance company.
POB stands for Post Office Box. It is also my initials - Peter O'Brien =] Not sure about RR, though. EDITED BY SOMEONE ELSE: :) RR stands for Rural Route.
Russian Revolution.
RR is a Rural Route. It is an actual address. Many Roural Routes are formatted such as RR1 Box 403 but it is just saying Route 1 Mailbox number 403.
The address of the Astoria Rr Preservation Association is: Po Box 541, Astoria, OR 97103-0541